distribution of illegal drugs or controlled substances .
• Has read , understood , and will obey the College ’ s Drug-Free Policy . Applicants who refuse to sign the drug-free certification may be refused admission to the College . If an applicant cannot agree to accept the above conditions for admission to the College , they may be offered counseling which may include information as to where to obtain rehabilitative services . The statement of certification will be considered a legal contract between the student and the College and such contract will be considered broken upon commission of an offense relating to the use , possession , purchase , solicitation , sale , manufacture , distribution , or delivery ( or possession with intent to unlawfully use , purchase , solicit , sell , manufacture , distribute , or deliver ) narcotics , controlled substances , prescription medication without a personal prescription , or other illegal drugs .
• A student who commits a drug-related offense on campus or while in attendance at a College event will be sanctioned , up to and including suspension or expulsion . A student who tests positive for an illegal drug or controlled substance during screening for College-related programs or for programrelated clinical experiences will also be sanctioned up to and including suspension or expulsion .
Medical Marijuana in Florida – Despite the provisions of Article X , Section 29 of the Florida Constitution , as well as applicable Florida Statutes and implementing F . A . C . Rules , marijuana remains a controlled substance under federal law , and continues to be prohibited by the College . Thus , any member of the College community who meets the definition of “ qualified patient ” under § 381.986 ( 1 ), Florida Statutes , shall continue to abide by federal law as it relates to marijuana , as well as any and all applicable College policies and procedures . Sanctioning a student for conduct prohibited by this section is not conditioned upon the student being cited or convicted in a court of law .
Intellectual Property Rights – The College promotes an academic environment that encourages and rewards the creative efforts and innovative spirit of its students . The College , therefore , does not claim ownership rights to the intellectual property created by students in the scope of their attendance except where the student has utilized substantial resources of the College in the development of the work that goes beyond resources commonly provided to students for production of publications or class projects . Intellectual property is meant to include both traditional forms of intellectual property , such as student publications , class projects , and student papers , as well as non-traditional intellectual property , such as CD-ROMS , computer programs , TV courseware , or other electronically recorded materials . All such intellectual property remains the property of the authoring student ; however , the College retains an interest in said property by virtue of the College ’ s assistance and support for its development , production , and dissemination and , therefore , shall have reasonable access to and use of the intellectual property for such purposes as student evaluation and reproduction in exercising their administrative duties .
Interference with College Guests – The College may initiate disciplinary actions for any interference with the freedom of movement of any member or guest of the College community .
Invasion of Privacy – Invasion of privacy is defined by the College as the making , using , disclosing , or distributing a recording or other image of another person in a location or situation in which that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and is unaware or does not consent to it , and any other conduct that constitutes an invasion of the privacy of another person under applicable laws and