EFSC Student Housing Living Guide 2024-25 | Page 31

ATTACHMENT 3 : EFSC Student Code of Conduct
This code of conduct relates to all actions , disruptive or otherwise harmful , to the educational process and includes both physical and virtual ( online ) educational communities and communications . Violation of the standard of conduct herein will be considered a disciplinary matter and treated in accordance with procedures of due process and with respect of the right and welfare of all members of the College community .
Standards of conduct for which students are subject to disciplinary action , such as suspension or expulsion from EFSC , include , but are not limited to , those described below :
Academic Dishonesty – Cheating , plagiarism , and any other misrepresentation of work are prohibited . Students who are found to be in violation of this standard may receive severe sanctions , including a failing grade in their respective course ( s ), and , depending on the circumstances , possible expulsion from Eastern Florida State College .
Aiding or Facilitating – No student may aid , facilitate , assist , support , promote , or otherwise encourage the commission of any conduct or behavior prohibited by this Student Code of Conduct . In addition , students witnessing any prohibited conduct or behavior must report same to appropriate College officials in a timely manner .
Alcoholic Beverages – Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on the campuses of Eastern Florida State College and at any College-sponsored activity or event unless approved in advance by the President . Students found to be in possession without prior approval , or unlawfully in possession or under the influence of alcoholic beverages while on campus or at a College-sponsored activity or event , are subject to discipline including suspension or expulsion . Sanctioning a student for conduct prohibited by this section is not conditional upon the student being cited or convicted in a court of law .
Animals – Animals are not permitted on any property owned or controlled by the College unless they meet the definition of “ service ” or “ emotional support ” animal under federal and state law , are an approved accommodation by the Student Access for Improved Learning ( SAIL ) Office or are part of an approved course or presentation . See also Sections 203.5 and 203.6 of the College Procedures Manual .
Arson – No student shall commit or aid in the intentional commission of an act which results in fire being ignited that causes damage , or is intended to cause damage , to the property of the College or to the property of any other person .
Assault and / or Battery – No student shall threaten by touch or cause bodily harm or discomfort on another .
Breach of Peace – Conduct or expression on College-owned or controlled property which disrupts the orderly functioning of the College or is lewd , indecent , or obscene is prohibited . Cellular telephones and audible pagers should only be used outside of classrooms .