EFSC Student Housing Living Guide 2024-25 | Page 15

updated through Support Services . Emergency contact information provided by students will be registered confidentially and will be accessible only to authorized campus officials . It will not be disclosed to anyone except law enforcement personnel to assist a missing person investigation or medical emergency . For students under 18 years of age who are not emancipated , the College will notify a custodial parent / guardian , as well as any additional contact person ( s ) designated by the student , within 24 hours of determination the student is missing .
College Officials will notify local law enforcement within 24 hours of determination a student is missing unless local law enforcement made the initial missing person determination . If the student has designated an emergency contact person , College officials will notify the emergency contact person within 24 hours after the missing person determination has been made . Regardless of whether the student has provided emergency contact information , is above the age of 18 , or is an emancipated minor , the Director of Support Services , or designee , will inform the Eastern Florida State College Department of Security within 24 hours to notify them of a missing student . Students may submit revised emergency contact information at any time by contacting the Director of Support Services .
Shelter-in-Place Emergency
A “ shelter-in-place ” emergency is declared when it may be more dangerous to evacuate the campus than to stay in assigned rooms or buildings . Events that trigger a shelter-in-place emergency are likely life-threatening . Examples of situations that may cause a shelter-in-place emergency include : violent or potentially violent behavior exhibited by a known individual threatening with or without a gun or other deadly weapon , a hostile intruder , robbery in progress , or terrorist attack . A shelter-in-place command will be announced via the Emergency Notification System ( text and email ). The following actions should be taken when this instruction is received :
• Notify 911 as soon as possible . Describe the situation and extent of injuries
• Lock all interior and exterior classroom / office / suite & bedroom doors
• Because many campus doors have glass windows , barricade classroom / office doors if possible
• Turn off lights
• Account for everyone currently in the room / space
• Remain quiet and DO NOT enter hallways or venture outdoors
• Crouch down in areas that are out of sight from doors and windows
• If a gunshot is heard , stay near the floor . Shield under or behind furniture as much as possible
• Individuals in hallways / open areas should seek shelter in the nearest classroom , office , common area , or suite