• Park close together in assigned areas ; put on emergency brake food available
• Lock doors
DURING Inclement Weather
• Students should develop a personal evacuation plan before any storm / inclement weather . If a student is unable to devise a plan , the Director of Support Services & Staff will assist in coordinating the evacuation of those residents unable to do so on their own .
• Depending on the total number of students , the Director of Support Services & Staff may coordinate with a local shuttle service to assist in the evacuation of students .
• Once an evacuation order is lifted , the Director of Support Services & Staff will coordinate with any utilized shuttle services to safely return residents to campus .
• During a storm in which residents are not evacuated , students should remain away from dangerous areas as much as possible – this includes windows and doors . STAY INDOORS until advised otherwise by Support Services .
• Telephone calls should be made only in case of emergencies .
Procedures AFTER Inclement Weather
Residents will not be allowed back into their building until the Emergency Management Team has provided the “ all clear ,” signaling the building is safe , secure , and can now be occupied . Residents can call the college switchboard at ( 321 ) 433-5400 to receive updates regarding College operations .
Keep in mind that any damage to individual property is not the responsibility of the Student Housing Corporation or the College , so it is advised that all students have individual property insurance in case of emergencies .
Damage to the student housing facilities will be fixed by Student Housing Corporation or the College in a timely manner . If residents need to be relocated due to damage to their suite and / or room , the Director of Support Services and Staff , RAC , and RAs will work with each person to find a temporary location on campus until the suite and / or room is cleared by College administration .
Bomb Threats
If a resident hears a bomb threat being made , the resident should :
• Note the exact time of the threat
• Write down , as accurately as possible , all statements made by the person making the threat