EFSC Student Housing Living Guide 2023-24 | Page 36

publications , class projects and student papers , as well as non-traditional intellectual property such as CD-ROMS , computer programs , TV courseware or other electronically recorded materials . All such intellectual property remains the property of the authoring student . However , the College retains an interest in said property by virtue of the College ’ s assistance and support for its development , production and dissemination and , therefore , shall have reasonable access to and use of the intellectual property for such purposes as student evaluation and reproduction in exercising their administrative duties .
Interference with College Guests – The College may initiate disciplinary actions for any interference with the freedom of movement of any member or guest of the College community .
Invasion of Privacy – Making , using , disclosing , or distributing a recording or other image of another person in a location or situation in which that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and is unaware or does not consent to it ; and any other conduct that constitutes an invasion of the privacy of another person under applicable laws and regulations . Such conduct includes , without limitation , taking unauthorized photographs , recording personal conversations or sexual encounters , acts of voyeurism , peeping , spying , or similar conduct that otherwise invades the privacy of another where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists .
Misuse of Emergency Equipment – Fire escapes , designated ground-level doors , fire hoses , extinguishers and alarm equipment are to be used only in emergencies . Tampering with or misuse of these emergency devices , as well as blocking fire exits or impeding traffic in any way , is prohibited .
Obeying Reasonable Orders of College Officials – Students are required to comply with reasonable requests or orders by authorized College officials or representatives acting on the part of the College . This requirement includes reasonable requests for students to meet appointments in administrative offices and at disciplinary investigations and hearings , and to abide by “ no-contact ” orders and similar directives and restrictions regarding access to , use of , or physical presence on College property , including trespass notices .
Obstruction of Process – Interference with or obstruction of the Student Code of Conduct , Housing Code of Conduct , Sexual Misconduct , or other similar process , by any means and through any medium , including but not limited to the following :
• Knowingly filing a false report .
• Falsification , distortion , or misrepresentation of information .
• Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a proceeding .
• Harassment or intimidation of a College official or participant .
• Attempting to influence the impartiality of a College official .
• Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an obstruction of process .
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