EFSC Foundation Gift Planning Guide | Page 6

Retirement Plan Assets > Avoid double taxation Benefits  Retirement accounts such as IRAs and 401(k) and 403(b) plans can be subject to double taxation - ordinary income and estate tax - meaning that more than 60 percent can go to taxes if left to your heirs. Retirement plan assets left to EFSC will transfer tax-free. In planning your estate, consider leaving EFSC your retirement plan assets, and leave more favorable taxed assets to your family. Did You Know?  Most retirement accounts allow the owner to select beneficiaries to receive the plan assets remaining at death. To designate EFSC as a beneficiary, contact the account administrator. Lifetime withdrawals, even for charitable gifts, are typically treated as taxable income. Proposed changes to federal tax law may allow for future tax-free distributions made directly to EFSC. Please check EFSC’s Foundation Office for up-to-date information. 6