EFSC Foundation 2019-20 Foundation Annual Report | Page 2

Dear Foundation Supporters ,
The closing of the 19-20 academic year was the most challenging in Eastern Florida State College ’ s history as we confronted the COVID-19 pandemic . The response from students and employees was remarkable as thousands of in-person classes were moved online and a host of other steps taken to protect everyone ’ s health and safety . The results were highly successful with 4,011 students graduating in a testament to their resilience in the face of adversity . Nonetheless , many students continue facing economic hardship caused by the pandemic which makes the work of the Eastern Florida State College Foundation in awarding scholarships more important than ever . You play an essential role in making that happen through your generosity and strong belief in the value of higher education . Thank you for your continuing support . Together , we can look to a future bright with hope and promise .
Sincerely , DR . JIM RICHEY President , Eastern Florida State College
Dear Friends ,
Special thanks for your support of the Foundation throughout this wildly disrupted year . I ’ m told that scientists put the 19 in COVID-19 for the year the virus was first identified as a concern . Who knew that this 19 would turn the planet upside down in 20 , and now we understand in 21 and likely longer .
In March , President Richey acknowledged the threat of this virus and directed that virtually all classes be moved to online remote instruction , a mode we maintained for summer and most of our fall classes as well . While rapidly adapting to the urgency of these new teaching demands , the faculty and staff also worked tirelessly on new methods and plans to safely return as many classes as possible to face-to-face delivery for the spring term beginning January 2021 . These extraordinary efforts , and millions like them around the world , are a tribute to the strength and resilience of the human spirit and intellect , qualities that have carried the world through trying and treacherous times before and , I believe , will do so again .
Here at the College , for example , we ’ ve noticed a material increase in the number of students who wish to pursue careers in health care and community service and the outstanding performance they are achieving in the classroom . Many of these students are beneficiaries of scholarships awarded by the Foundation made possible by your continued support – support that , in spite of this troubled time , have propelled the Foundation portfolio net assets to a record $ 23,000,000 plus . The interest and dividends from this record high portfolio funded more than 770 scholarships this year , yet another new college record .
As a community , we ’ ll continue to face whatever challenges lie ahead knowing that we share a set of strong common values and beliefs , among them a determined commitment to higher education and the financial support needed to ensure that as many worthy students as possible are able to fully engage . Special thanks from them and us .
Stay safe . Stay well . Stay in touch .
RICHARD K . LAIRD Vice President , EFSC Operations and EFSC Foundation Interim Director
EXCELLENCE : To contribute outstanding service to benefit the College . DIVERSITY : To include and recognize all the demographics in our community . UNITE : To work together for a common purpose . CREATIVITY : To generate solutions outside the normal channels . AMBITION : To achieve a desired common goal . TRANSPARENCY : To operate with the utmost integrity . ETHICS : To perform with virtuous behaviors , ideals , and principles !