EFSC Foundation 2017-18 Foundation Annual Report | Page 8

REVENUE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Investment Income - 73% Donations 8% Grants and Other -11% Special Events - 8% Donations - 8% 73% 11% 8% 8% COMPELLING Special Events Facts ABOUT EFSC • Our Bachelor Degree graduates can expect to earn an average $61,800 annually during their careers, boosting their standard of living and the economy through their increased earnings and spending power. 8% Grants and Other 11% • Eastern Florida is among the most affordable colleges in our state and nation to attend. • We ranked 3rd lowest in tuition among all public colleges and universities in Florida in 2017. Investment Income • We also ranked 18th nationally in lowest tuition among all public colleges and universities in the U.S. in 2017. 73% AN EDUCATED COMMUNITY BENEFITS ALL RESIDENTS EXPENDITURES According to studies, a higher level of education usually means less crime, higher incomes and even better health. Less crime in a community means safety. Less crime means fewer police. Fewer police mean lower taxes. Higher income can translate into higher property values. Better health can mean less usage of EMS services and again lower property taxes. Ten kids or no kids, everyone in the community benefits from an educated community. Scholarships - 51% Program Support to EFSC - 22% Management Services - 16% Source: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20140102/discuss/701029991/ Advancement/Fundraising - 8% Community Outreach - 3% Scholarships 51% Program Support to EFSC 22% Management Advancement/ Services Fundraising 16% 8% Community Outreach 100% OF ALL STUDENTS WHO APPLIED FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, EMT, AND TRANSITIONAL NURSING SCHOLARSHIPS RECEIVED SCHOLARSHIPS! 3% 4 COMMUNITY BENEFITS OF A COLLEGE DEGREE 1. Higher rates of civic engagement 2. Higher volunteer rates 3. Higher voter turnout 4. Healthier communities Supporting your local college is making a difference in your community. Source: http://www.css.edu/the-sentinel-blog/community-benefits-of-a-college-degree.html