The SACSCOC reaccreditation process also served as the catalyst for the creation and implementation of a Quality Enhancement Plan ( QEP ) that addressed student learning and success .
Named “ Rocket to Success : Taking Online Learning to New Heights ,” the QEP was designed to improve online learning through an emphasis on faculty professional development , quality online instruction , and enhanced student support services .
The concept grew out of research undertaken for the college ’ s strategic plan showing that even as online enrollment grows , online success rates , particularly in general education Math and English courses , lag behind face-to-face success rates .
In its pilot year , the QEP has already made a significant difference .
Taking Online Learning to New Heights
“ This is my first year in college and it ’ s all new and a little stressful . I completed the online orientation and needs assessment in Canvas . It provided me with a lot of great information and resources for my online classes . It helps knowing that if you need assistance or support , it ’ s there .”
- Mirielle Caldwell
“ What has helped most ? It would have to be my tutor . He breaks things down a little further for me when I am not grasping what he is trying to help me solve .”
- Anonymous
• Academic Year 23-24 and Fall 2024 : More than 224 online Composition 1 students improved their Information Literacy skills with a teaching partnership between English instructors and Library Science Faculty .
• Academic Year 23-24 and Fall 2024 : 14 faculty ( 9 Math / 5 English ) participated in the second phase of the Online Course Design & Delivery Advanced Training Module to improve student success in online learning .
• A total of 23 online courses have been reviewed as part of a new Quality Review Process ( QRP ) that examines course design and delivery .
• More than 300 students participated in the Success and Support Services course designed to increase awareness of the services offered to them at the college .
• Over 287 more completed the course-associated needs assessment , allowing Student Services staff to better meet student needs with online courses .
• 2,500 students have been given access to the Student Support Module as part of the First Year Experience program which includes access to a needs assessment to further familiarize students with EFSC student resources .
• Academic Year 23-24 : 185 online gateway Math students took advantage of tutoring provided by the EFSC Academic Success Center , improving their understanding of mathematical concepts using strategies co-designed by course instructors and tutors . During Fall 2024 , another 146 students in five MAC 1105 sections also participated .