Dear Trustees :
The year 2023 saw Eastern Florida State College mark its 10th anniversary with an exemplary record of achievements during the decade .
Some 49 new programs were launched , more than 6,300 students graduated from those programs , more than $ 110 million was invested in new and upgraded facilities , and a range of important Student Services were added .
The year also saw other important accomplishments :
• New facilities for aerospace education and student housing opened their doors while two more projects for new technology buildings were started
• We reached a major milestone in our reaccreditation with a highly positive report from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges , setting the stage for final reaccreditation approval in 2024
• Tuition was not raised for the 12th straight year and a record number of student scholarships were awarded
• Marketing campaigns helped increase enrollment , returning it to pre-pandemic levels , and minority enrollment remained strong
• A new Website was launched , and the King Center for the Performing Arts celebrated its 35th anniversary
• EFSC was named among the top 150 community colleges in the nation by the Aspen Institute and is in the running for its award as the best in the U . S .
The credit for this success and more belongs to our superb faculty and staff and their dedication to help students learn and graduate .
I hope you find this report informative and with it my deep appreciation for your leadership and support every day of the year .
Sincerely ,
Dr . Jim Richey , President