EFSC College Accomplishments 2023 | Page 33




• Based on the FBI ’ s Uniform Crime Report and research on law enforcement officer deaths and assaults , the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission initiated a new Basic Law Enforcement Academy Firearms Training Section
• The section has expanded the training students receive to ensure new officers have a solid foundation in preparation for responding to active shooter and active threat incidents
• There are now more detailed measurable and proficiency standards that must all be met for the successful completion of the class
• As a result , about 20 hours of the 80 hours that students spend in firearms training is now devoted to performing tactical active shooter response using real life scenario practices .
• All firearm Instructors have attended the Firearms Training Update Class and are now certified and instructing in the new curriculum
• Annually , the PSI conducts the “ Single Response to Active Shooter Training ” as part of a two week extensive training program provided to newly assigned Law Enforcement School Resource Officers
• In addition , the PSI conducts the “ Train the Trainer ” active shooter course where active duty law enforcement officers return to their agencies and conduct the training