Fall Commencement included two emotional walks across the stage , the first by a Bachelor Degree graduate with cerebral palsy and the second by a Vietnam veteran who waited 50 years to pick up his diploma .
• In all , about 1,800 students were eligible to graduate with several hundred participating during two ceremonies at the King Center for the Performing Arts .
• The college also reached an important milestone , awarding its 3,000th Bachelor ’ s Degree since four-year programs began in 2013 .
• Among the graduates was James Steen , a decorated 76-year-old Vietnam veteran who finally picked up the Associate Degree diploma he earned in 1971 .
• Steen attended what was then called Brevard Junior College in 1964-65 before he was drafted into the Army , trained as a helicopter pilot and sent to Vietnam in 1968-69 where he barely survived combat during some of the war ’ s fiercest fighting .
• He was shot down in Cambodia while carrying special forces and dragged a comrade , who others thought was dead , through the jungle for three hours , dodging enemy fire before they were picked up .
• Upon return to base , doctors found a pulse and the soldier was saved . Three years ago , the soldier found Steen through an internet and social media search and they reunited over the phone .
• “ They thought he was dead but I was not going to leave a man behind . I was not going to do it ,” Steen said .
• Steen was wounded in the leg and suffered other injuries , spending more than a month in the hospital . He received the Purple Heart and Air Medal with 23 Oak Leaf Clusters , each cluster representing 25 hours of flying in combat .
• He returned to the college after he was discharged and earned his Associate in Arts degree , but did not apply to graduate then .
• Earlier in 2022 , Steen walked into the college ’ s Military and Veterans Center on the Cocoa Campus because he wanted to take a computer course . When the staff heard his story , they found his records and supplied him a cap and gown for the ceremony .
• Another graduate was Justin Miller , who earned his Bachelor Degree in Cybersecurity . He was born with cerebral palsy and rose out of his wheelchair to walk across the stage unassisted to receive his diploma . He had previously earned his Associate Degree .
• Miller praised EFSC ’ s accessibility policies and encouraged others with a disability to connect with EFSC and find a way to fulfill their dreams .
• College President Dr . Jim Richey saluted all the graduates for their perseverance in meeting their goals during his graduation remarks .
• “ I cannot begin to say how proud I am of you , and the lasting contribution you have made to our college and community through the example you have set ,” said Richey .
• “ Whatever career you have chosen , your journey ahead will be filled with excitement and challenges , rewards and setbacks , certainty and unknowns .
• “ Move forward with a steadfast determination that never wanes and that will lead to success in ways you cannot yet imagine . Your dreams are within reach . Grab them and never let go .”