The college reached an impressive record in December when it awarded its 2,700th Bachelor ’ s Degree eight years after the first four-year track was offered .
Since 2013 :
• The college has launched 86 new programs with 8,572 students having taken at least one course in one of the new programs .
• 6,391 students have enrolled in the Bachelor programs , and 2,414 in Associate in Science and Certification programs .
Bachelor Degrees , Associate Degrees and Certificates awarded in new programs since 2013
In Fall 2021 , enrollment in the 86 new programs was about 20 percent of total EFSC enrollment .
Minority enrollment kept pace with the records set in 2019 and 2020 , with 6,933 minority students enrolled or 38 percent of the total EFSC student population .
• There were 3,020 Hispanic students , or 16 percent of total enrollment .
• There were 2,031 African-American students , or 11 percent of total enrollment .
• Other minority groups comprised 1,883 students , or 10 percent of the total population .
• 41 percent of First Time in College students were minorities ; 18 percent were Hispanic ; 13 percent were African-American ; and 10 percent were other minority groups .
• During the 2020-21 Academic Year , 200 minority students received Bachelor ’ s Degrees , 702 received Associate Degrees and 535 received Certificates .
• College efforts such as the Minority Male Initiative continued to grow , providing men of color faculty mentors and a range of support services to bolster their retention and graduation rates .
• Other enrollment highlights included the following :
• There were 11,197 female students enrolled , or 61 percent of the total population .
• There were 3,900 Dual Enrolled students attending the college , or 19 percent of the total population .
• 424 Dual Enrolled students completed an Associate Degree and graduated from high school , the third year in a row with more than 400 Associate Degrees awarded to those dual enrolled .