Impact of American Movies on Our Lives
Providing thorough entertainment , movies are a source of indulging us in an imaginary world . At times , the movies are so enticing that we start believing in being a part of that movie . With work load and stress , life can get worked up , watching a good movie will help a person relax his mind by releasing emotional stress . A good entertaining movie will help you laugh and that can be a high stress reliever . Watching a good movie also revitalizes mind to perform a stressful work in the future .
With over 2,577 movies roughly produced each year , movies are a very prominent part of entertainment industry . Movies are watched by individuals irrespective of their age , apart from the children under 18 , for which parental guidance is required in some cases . Though movies are created for all watchers , there are movies created that are gender specific . For example , action and thriller movies are made predominantly for males . While romantic and drama movies are preferred by women . Genres of comedy , horror and suspense are watched by both the genders equally .
Animated movies though created fundamentally for children are one of the best kinds for all age group . These movies showcase an imaginary world and teach us lessons about love , morals and relationships . The movies help us understand and realize minor things in life that we shouldn ’ t overlook .
Not only do movies teach us about humanitarian values . They also provide us knowledge on diversified subjects of culture , science , history , politics , technological advancements and so much more . The sci-fi movies help us glimpse into the future providing the amazing visual effects with 3D technology . We are also able to understand different environments and work culture and historical geographies of different countries .
Movies made on biographies helps us know the lives of legends and learn from their struggles , during their journey of success . Such movies inspire us to be at our best . It delivers hope and a new set of determination in fighting for our goals . Film industry is loaded with such inspirational movies that it uplift our spirits when we are passing through a tough phase of our life , whether it ’ s instability of love , health or financial .
It is difficult to ignore the fact that American movies are also responsible for establishing false notion on several aspects . Showcasing perfect body image and portraying flawless