EF Academy Torbay Impact Magazine November 2013 | Page 20
The DofE Award was started
over 50 years ago by The Duke of
Edinburgh to give all young people
the chance to develop skills for work
and life, fulfill their potential and have
a brighter future through a program
of activities, voluntary work and a
student challenge in the form of an
The Award has grown during
this time and is now recognized
across the world as the major Award
program for young people.
This is our second year as a
Duke of Edinburgh Licensed center
and after the successful completion
of the Silver Level Award for four
students last year we are going to
expand the Award to allow more
students to take part.
A large part of the Duke of
Edinburgh is the preparation for the
Expedition (cross country walk over
several days) and we had some
very successful outings last year
on Dartmoor National Park which
is something the students find very
rewarding. With higher numbers
this year I look forward to an active
year helping students achieve their
Chris Nicholls
IB CAS Coordinator and EF Torquay
Duke of Edinburgh Manager
headmaster of Gordonstoun School. They
were concerned about the development
of the youth, and wanted the Award to
have no competition and no membership
requirements. Since then the award has
By Vilde Christine Hermansen
grown and is now being offered in over
140 counties all over the world, and have
You might recognise the name Duke of had over 8 million participants since its
Edinburgh and whom the name belongs start in 1956.
to. Since 1947 Prince Philip, Duke of
Edinburgh has been married to Queen The Award is split up into 3 levels: Bronze,
Elizabeth II.
Silver and Gold, and each of the levels
has 4 sections you need to do activities
He founded the Duke of Edinburgh’s in: Skills, Physical Activity, Volunteering
Award in 1956 after an encouraged and Expedition. On top of that Gold
request from Kurt Hahn, founding
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