EESTEC Magazine Vol 33 2013/2 | Page 56

ESTIEM Have you ever wondered what are students, who study Industrial Engineering and management, doing? How would you imagine activities which bring perspectives from economics and engineering? Text: Csaba Hartmann, President of ESTIEM Photographs: ESTIEM , our network consists of 72 Local Groups in 28 countries, reaching out to 50 000 students. What is Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM)? The idea of an organization of European Industrial Engineering and Management Students was presented for the ?rst time in January 1990. Four pioneers discussed intensively through the night in a guesthouse room in Darmstadt. They were excited about the spirit that evolved when students from different parts of Europe gathered together. Somebody - nobody remembers who - threw in the air an idea of forming an of?cial organization. It would gather together all Europeans who studied the strange combination of technology and economics. This leading innovation led to a load of goals for such an organization, such as student exchange, alumni organization and all kinds of common activities. ESTIEM is the organisation for European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, who combine technological understanding with management skills. Our goal is to establish and foster relations between students across Europe and to support them in their personal and professional development. Nowadays The focus of IEM studies lies in providing students valuable engineering knowledge as well as practical management experience. IEM integrates technological knowledge and management skills, helping students to cope with competitive business challenges while comprehending the underlying technology. Throughout Europe, IEM has many different names - and many different faces. We promote the concept of IEM by establishing contacts between students, companies and institutions. Contributing to mutual understanding across Europe, our unique ESTIEM spirit stands for overcoming borders, being open minded and combining work and fun. What kind of events do we have in ESTIEM? ESTIEM has a broad portfolio of activities. Ranging from case study solving competitions, through entrepreneurship workshops, via trainings and ending up with cultural events we can offer many opportunities for our members. We are really proud of our increasing academic involvement, resulting in more Academic Days and BrainTrainer events, nevertheless we organise every summer a two-week long intensive summer university course, called Summer Academy. In?uencing the youth of Europe As a European wide organisation we do believe in our main aim: to shape the minds of our members in order to ensure a greater future for our continent, planet. Social and environmental responsibility is one of our core values and we would like to make the related impacts via events. EESTEC and ESTIEM signed the Memorandum of Understanding in the beginning of 2013, which of?cially documen YH???\?][??]?Y[?H????[?\?][??]B?[?Y[??HZ[H???[?\?HH??[???Z[?[??]?[?[??\?XX??\??[???[?\?][?[\??Y\?\??[\?\?X?\?[???]???[??\?\??[??]\??K??]?\?[\???H?[?XX??\??XH??[?[??H^\??[?]?[??[?[???\?Y?[???\?Y[X?\???][?[?X\?????HXX???\???HT?QSH]?[???X?\?HX??\??X?H??QT?P?\??]H[?Y[???]\??L?[??[[Y\?X?Y[^K????[?H[???X][?X??]T?QSB?X\?H?\?]????\?Y[K????M???