exceeded everyone’s expectations
thanks to all participants, speakers,
organizers and partners! As the week
was coming to an end and participants gathered most of the knowledge
and skills provided by the amazing
lectures, they have ultimately created
wireframes of applications suitable for
end users. Tiring as it may sound, they
had no more than 2-3 hours of sleep
per night, thanks to the wild Trieste
But there’s even more to come...
December 2013 is the deadline for
the teams to develop their own applications. Then, as a second phase of
the event, the awards ceremony will
be held. We can’t wait to ?nd out the
LC Skopje - EESTECers
Gone Wild 2
12th July - 21st July
After this year, we may say it became
a tradition. LC Skopje has exceeded our expectations all over again.
Giving us the chance to enjoy their
beautiful country, it can be said
that they are one of the best hosts
in EESTEC. This summer journey has lasted for 10 days and all
the visitors of Macedonia had the
chance to visit some of the most
beautiful and popular places of \???[??K??\?[???]?Y??YZ[??[?????K????[???]H?\?]?H?X]]Y?[?[?[??[[?\??[?\?HZ?\?[???YH?Y??YZ[??[????B???\?]??\??\\?[?Y??]H?X?X[[?\??][?[[?]?][?[?YZ?[??]?[??H?ZY]???HL^\?]?H?Y[??\?H^?][????]?\?[?H]??[?Y?????K?Y??]8?&\?X???[???H[?\??H^x?&]?B?????\??H?[?^X???YB??X][??????YH???H\???\??QT?P?\????????HHSU?LYX\????????B?N?[HH?\??[B?????[]?H?Y?]]\??Y[?LYX\???[??H?????H??[?Y?QT?P??[YH\??\??H???\??]??????HY??&]Z\??H?[??H??[Z[?\?X??]Z\??X]?\?][???X]??][]K????H]^B??[?Y??[X??]HZ\??\?^H\??[H?]^H[??[??]Y[QT?P?\????[?[H?[?\??][?[[?]?KB??[?[?YZ?[?[???Y?[???Z[???H?H[???X]]Y?[?]Y\?[??XX?Y?XK?]?H?\??\??B???XX?^K[H\?X?\[??Y?H?[??H?\?H?Y][?[?????XX?Y?XK[???HH??]?\[???Y[H?\?]?\??X]]Y?[??[??K?H\?^H?\??\?\??Y??B??? X?X[?[X??][???????x?&\??\?^H[?X???[???[H??Y\??]?\?HX\??[?\?]?[?[????][??H?YX?HYH\?????????[HH??[B??YX?HYH\???????X?H???H?X??[YH[?H?X]]Y?[?]H??\??[?Z?K?\?[??H;? \???^\???\?X?\[??\??[\?X[?H[??? X?X[\?X?\[???\?]YHX?\???[\RH[??\??[?K[???YYH?]\??[??Y\??K??[H[?H?]\??[??\?YZXH[?Y?[?[???