EESTEC Magazine Vol 33 2013/2 | Page 11

About ?ve months have passed already. It is really strange to think about it while feeling like a total beginner every single day. Because every day brings new challenges which at ?rst make us wonder what is going on. Then you sit down with your teammates and you try to get it together. After a while (or a few exchanged mails) you ?gured it out and you learnt one new thing more. What is more, you did not do it alone. And that is the feeling I started to think about after a few minutes of sitting in front of a blank document. We hear so much about personal development in EESTEC, travelling, academic growth and so on. Actually we hear about it so much that in the process of achieving the next goals it is easy to forget about our teammates. Especially when the deadlines are tight and the number of mails does not stop increasing. So let’s stop and think for a moment how they in?uence us and how thankful we are to have these friends with us in our journey. And let’s not stop meeting more of them and using EESTEC for it. Projects, teams, events - we all know the possibilities are limitless. 11 Because EESTEC does not only give us a chance to meet some new people. EESTEC rede?nes a networking of engineering students. In a way that probably none of us expected when we joined it. So if we know each other - thank you for being my teammate in this network. If not - hope to meet you soon!