E&E Magazine Volume 1 - 2013 | Page 8

What Rafael know about Bill Gates was only a part becuase Bill Gates makes a lot of things that no body knows until they read the article of the green buy . As the author said " The executive order also stipulates that federal agencies immediately start purchasing 95 percent through green certified programs and achieve a 28 percent greenhouse gas reduction by 2020 " When Rafael saw all the options of the energys that have the school he want to implement some type of energy in his farm . The eolic energy its more simple and cheaper to implement in a farm and it have to be in an empty space . When Rafael arrives to his house after that day in the school he talks with his family about what he found in internet from Bill Gates and the green buy article , he also said to them that he want to implement some energy in his farm because he thinks that it is s good way to reduce economic bills and to reduce the global warming . His parents spoke with him and said that they will think about his idea because it was great . The next day in the morning when they were taking breakfast they start talking about what they have being talking last night his parents said that Rafael ' s idea was very great and that they have to search some people who can help them to implement the eolic energy because is the best energy that could be imemnted in their farm that is located in La Guajira . In conclusion this types of energy helps the world in such differente ways it helps to reduce the economic bills in a lot of families , also because it helps to reduce the global warming protecting the environment . A lot of people are implementing this and Rafael is hoping to make a campaiyn to give insentive to people so they start using this energies because he is worried about how the world is getting damage by all the bad use that the comunity give to the resources we have , so he ยด s plan is that people make consience and start saving the world .