Edutimes Newspaper Edutimes Online Newspaper Issue No 1 (revised 6) | Page 7

FEATURES EDUTIMES KNOWLEDGE IS POWER By Rodrick Mulenga H ave you ever heard of the Bible verse which says ‘My peo- ple perish from lack of knowledge?’ I guess you have. It is a very common verse, especially for knowl- edge seekers, as it moti- vates them to seek even more. I came across this saying way back when I embarked on seek- ing knowledge from books, and since I proved that the saying was true, I have never turned my back on scout- ing for more knowledge. I have seen that the more I seek knowledge, the more I am enlightened, the less I do, the more I stay away from the truth. Mind you, the lack of facts or truth can be a very dangerous situation to be in. Power lies in what you know and those who know more have more power… those who know less, have less pow- er. Even on the world stage, a coun- try with more knowledge on various sectors, such as technology, medicine, space among others, has vast powers. That also goes for families. Those with more knowledgeable people tend to be more powerful in the neighbourhood and families with more educated mem- bers tend to control more resources. In all these examples, knowledge de- rived from education is key. Without knowledge of some sort in the modern world, you are doomed to fail in your ventures. Take a look at the world ar- rangement of events and power. You will notice that most powerful people have something unique about them… they possess immense knowl- edge. The Obamas of this world and other world leaders are uniquely placed, due to excellence in their mas- tery. I believe that knowledge can set you apart from the rest and make you one of the most powerful human be- ings on the planet. Why did I choose to discuss the im- portance of knowledge? Because of the fact that some students don’t care about knowing something specific to help them succeed in school. You should not go through school with- out a purpose, just to acquire gener- al knowledge. Mind you, everybody knows something about something. The knowledge we are referring to is unique, specific or specialised knowl- edge, that will only be held by you. What you need to do is to know every- thing that everybody knows, and then know something specific more than anyone else knows about that issue. For example, take a look at certain countries like the USA, a country of immense knowledge which is a model for me. I am referring to America be- cause the country enjoys specialty in 7 all facets of careers, sport, entertain- ment, science and many other aspects of life. Be knowledgeable by knowing all that everybody knows and then knowing more than everybody knows about something. It puts you in a po- sition of power and gives you an edge over everybody else. that only one man, the American Neu- rosurgeon Ben Carson has ever been reported to have received the answer to an impending examination in his sleep. But for the rest of us, we have to go out there and get the knowledge physically. Go out and get what you need, to get where you want and need to be. Academic knowledge is easy I realised that knowledge is power and simple to get. The first thing to do when I was in basic school. I always is attend class. That is the first step to wondered why students who were of- succeeding without being a genius. ten acknowledged and recognised were those who performed extraor- I encourage you to go to class be- dinarily well in class or in school. Top cause I believe in teachers and for performers would be chosen as mon- them to be called teachers, they must itors, prefects, to be part of school have students. Besides, teachers are councils, would be sent on errands researchers. They do know more than such as J.E.T.S competitions and oth- students, so when we are under their er important events. Then I realised tutelage, we are assured of getting that those kinds of people had what nothing but the best of their work. The we all had. They were students like ev- next thing is that you need to be fa- erybody else but had more than we all miliar with past examination papers all did, they had knowledge, a powerful the time. You have to attempt to an- weapon they used to propel them to swer the questions from past papers. greater heights, including representing I always looked at past papers and in the school. As an individual, you need fact when I sat for my Grade 9 exam- such power. In case you don’t have it ination, I came across a whole section right now, you need to push yourself of questions from past papers. So, to acquire it because if you don’t have make use of past papers to broaden it, great opportunities in life will always your knowledge. Go for extra lessons elude you. or tuitions as they are widely known. I did too. Knowledge makes you visible. I am my own first example. It did that for me. I attended extra lessons because I In my 4th grade, I realised that my wanted to do everything I could to get knowledge had magical powers. Every to the University of Zambia, not be- time I became more knowledgeable, cause I was having problems academ- I endeared myself more to my peers ically. I started going for tuitions in and teachers alike, because I became Grade 8. My strategy was to be a year more valuable. My knowing more ahead of my actual grade at school. So, than most set me apart…it attracted I would go for tuitions to learn Grade 9 friends, it brought me food and it took lessons in Grade 8, then in Grade 10, I me places. It was my knowing more would go for tuitions to learn Grade 11 than most, that took me on education- and 12 lessons. That strategy put me al tours in my primary school days. I ahead of my peers, including some of was chosen to be the leader of all stu- my seniors because I knew a lot about dents at Kantanshi Secondary school material they never got to know. The in Mufulira, because of my knowledge. other thing you need to do is to buy I beat the whole school in mock ex- books recommended by the Ministry of aminations because I knew more than Education, and make them part of your anyone else and eventually went to the academic library. Mind you, the Minis- University of Zambia. You may think I try of Education sets examinations. If am blowing my own horn but it is for you want to pass their examinations, good. As a progress preacher, I have you have to read their books. I did so, to ensure that I instil hunger in you, in addition to other international ma- a hunger to succeed. I have to make terials, to stay abreast with events in sure you feel that it is possible…that if other places. Be in a mastermind group one achieved a goal, against all odds, or tutorial group of a specialised course so can you. or subject. At some point, I was not so good at mathematics, so I started to How does that knowledge associate with maths gurus. You also need to befriend specially gifted peo- come about? you may ask. ple. There are people in school that are This writeup is about help- very good at certain subjects. Befriend ing you discover how you them and acquire their knowledge. can succeed, without being They will not deny you the knowledge. People generally enjoy being asked for a genius. Without knowl- help. It makes them feel important. Be edge, you will perish. humble, get that help you need and be- These are not my words…they are con- come powerful in your own right. Read tained in the greatest book ever writ- on your own at all times. My strategy ten, the Bible. Students have to know was to go around with a piece of pa- something because they have to, they per containing a formula or a scientific need to in order to get where they want process that I was trying to master… to reach. Faith comes by hearing…and that’s how I rolled. You too can employ hearing the word of God, that’s what this strategy. The idea is to acquire as another verse of the Bible says. It talks much knowledge as possible, to liber- about getting one of the most import- ate yourself and improve your family’s ant components of our faith. I feel duty life. bound to encourage you to acquire the knowledge you need to be exceptional ry by all means to acquire in a particular area of life. Knowledge relevant knowledge. I have is not mythically transmitted. I know spoken about having a syl- T labus for every subject, which I believe is very important. In university, our lecturers would give us course content for every course, including the books needed for each course. That helped us all to get the material in advance and read critical- ly and thoroughly. I wish all schools could give their students the subject content just as they report for school, to help them read relevant material. In case your school is not doing that, take charge of your own destiny as a stu- dent and get the books yourself from heads of departments (HODs), who al- ways have them in stock. Just make sure you are reading what is likely to help you in your examinations, career endeavours and in the future. It is em- barrassing to be known for reading a lot, only to fail because of acquir- ing irrelevant data. This has happened several times. Some students with a reputation for being bookworms and widely anticipated to do wonders in the examination, end up failing bad- ly. The problem is not lack of reading materials or laziness, but reading the wrong material, not aligned with the Examinations Council. K nowledge is costly. Be ready to spend a little to get what you want. I am glad that school material is not very expensive. You should al- ways spend to get the data you need. Sometimes you don’t need to buy the whole book… you just need to borrow the book and photocopy some sections, as per allowed copyright procedure. P ay to attend extra lessons. Never feel bad about spending on your education… it is an investment you will benefit from in the years to come. Parents and other guardians should in- vest in the education of their depen- dents, as it is less costly to educate someone, reduce their dependence on you and help them have a better fu- ture. In some cases, if someone in a more privileged position sees vulner- ability in a child who really needs help with their education, why not extend help? Zambians must learn to help the less privileged and needy. We cannot just keep hoping donors will send our orphans to school. We have to take it upon ourselves to help each other be- cause when we do that, we are helping our great nation to go forward. To students, ask for help when you need it. Do not be feel shy. Many peo- ple are willing to help when they real- ise that you are really needy and you could easily have a better life in the near future, with a little help. Go out there and ask for help. When you get the help, responsible and use it wise- ly. Don’t be idle, hoping that help will come knocking on your door. Author of “How to Succeed with- out Being a Genius in School”