EduNews Magazine Summer '15/'16 | Page 35

Ganache Filling Ingredients: 200g white cooking chocolate 60ml cream 10 drops oil based essence you may also add gel coloring to the filling Method: 1. Melt in a double boiler 2. Add essence 3. Put a dot between two macaroon cookies. 4. Cool in fridge for 30 minutes If I make the macaroons to hang on my Christmas tree, I fill them with Royal icing. This icing gets very hard and fixes your ribbon into the macaroons. Royal Icing Ingredients: 1 egg white 10ml lemon juice 250g icing sugar Method: 1. Beat the egg white and orange juice to a soft peak stage. 2. Sift the icing sugar over the egg white and beat for about 7 minutes until stiff. 3. Put a dot on one half of your macaroon. 4. Place your ribbon ends in the royal icing so that it forms a loop to hang on your tree, and then place the second macaron biscuit on top. This icing gets very hard and is not as nice to eat, but it looks fantastic. I hope we have a few brave bakers that want to give this one a try. For the less adventurous I gladly share my favourite butter cookie recipe alla Nigella Lawson.