rarely regret what I have done. What
I seem to regret more is that which I
did not do. Even when the things don’t
work out the way I intended, I learnt
so much that I do not regret having
done it. For your life to be great, your
courage must be bigger than your
fears. My father’s wish of being a
farmer went from being a dream to
that of being a regret of an unfulfilled
I love going to my brother’s farm
and I go as often as I can. I am
grateful that his dream allowed me
to experience this part of the world.
So often I see people gaze off into
the distance, a blurry eyed vision of a
different life, the dream of ‘if only…’
The wise man Pantanjali wrote this
in the 2nd century BC. “When you
are inspired by some great purpose,
some extraordinary project, all your
thoughts break your bonds: your
mind transcends limitations, your
consciousness expands in every
direction, and you find yourself in
a new, great and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties and talents
become alive, and you discover
yourself to be a greater person by
far than you ever dreamed yourself
to be.” When you follow your dreams
and engage your passion, your life
My favourite memory of my
brother’s farm is walking over the
fields past the grazing horses, my
brother and I having just walked into
the mountains and swum in the cold
fresh water pools, and as we neared
the house, we hear the laughter of
family and smell the sweetness of
fresh pie from freshly picked apples.
September/November 2015•