Educational support material - Nonformal educational activities HRYO EN | Page 8

Methodology The methodology is based on simulation. Participants will simu- late the birth and development of a new nation. Process described step by step • Divide the participants into two teams; • Ask each team to find a well-defined place to go to develop activity away from the other team; • Ask each team to create its own form of government, partici- pants are free to self-organize but they have an obligation to choose one person who will be responsible for foreign affairs relations; • The responsible of foreign affairs will have to go to the “inter- national consulate” to obtain useful buildings to build his own city; • After 30 minutes, the consulate opens, and in turn the various responsibles are approached; • Responsibles will find a list of buildings, such as: school, park, power station, police station, etc., buildings on the list are only presented once; • It is requested to select up to 5 buildings out of ten; • Those who come first have the right to choose from the other; • Widening buildings from the list asks each team to create a representation of their own city / government with the only buildings they choose; • It then proceeds to the presentation of the cities / government by stimulating the competition between the participants, ma- king it to believe that it is a race; • It will be deduced that none of the cities / governments have all the buildings and therefore no one can be considered valid or a good place to live. • It will be noted that the two teams would have to communica- te with each other. • Discussion will then be on the topic of co-operation and in- ter-active dynamics during activation. 8