Educational support material - Nonformal educational activities HRYO EN | Page 10

LEARNING THROUGH CROSSWORDS Activity creator: Marco Farina Type of tool: Activity Focus area: the method can be applied to each area of interest of the educator. Time: 90-120 minutes Learning through Crosswords is a non formal education method leading to stimulate deepening of every possible topic useful for the implementation of any kind of educational path. It stimulates team working and facilitates participation during the activity. Target group: ideally the activity addresses groups of 20 partici- pants; it seeks to create teams that will compete with each other to complete the prepared form. The best condition is to have 4 teams with 5 participants per team. Objectives of the tool: Increase teamwork and meanwhile analy- se in detail the main chosen topic facilitating reflection. Scopo The main objective is to make participants reflect on different aspects, more specifically: Stimulate comprehension and multicultural dialog Enhance the importance of communication Understand communication differences Learn how to express oneself. Methodology The activity is based on the simulation of an individual activity transformed into a group activity. 10