must label with a name each entity and each relationship ( between entities ). Check carefully that you have satisfied all constraints A through K . Actor Address _ of _ Theatre Adult _ Count Adult _ Price Child _ Count Child _ Price Date Director Movie _ Name Movie _ Rating Movie _ Review Number _ of _ Screens Screen _ Number Senior _ Count Senior _ Price Student _ CountStudent _ Price Theatre _ Name Theatre _ Phone _ Number Time _ of _ Showing Town The following describe key business rules , definitions , requirements and relationships between data items : A : Theatres can show a & quot ; doublebill & quot ; ( 2 films for 1 admission price ) or a & quot ; triplebill & quot ; ( 3 films ) or a & quot ; festival & quot ; ( a larger number of films for one price ). B : The film distributor requires each theatre to report the count of each type of ticket sold by showing . A showing is one start of a movie on a particular day at a specific time . Movies shown together ( double bill , etc .) have one start time . C : A given movie may be showing at more than one theatre at the same