--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Structure and complexity analysis Question FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
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phase I of this project by 11:59 p . m . ( ET ) on Monday of Module / Week 5 .
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Structure and complexity analysis Question FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
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Question 1 ( 15 marks ) Short Answer ( maximum 20 words ): Answer all five parts below . Part A ( 3 marks ): What is the worst case time complexity for binary search on a BST with n elements ? Explain . Part B ( 3 marks ): The first time you run algorithm A on a dataset of n elements ; it is faster than algorithm B . The second time you run algorithm A on a dataset of n elements ; it is slower than algorithm B . Explain how this is possible . Give an example for algorithm A and algorithm B . Part C ( 3 marks ): If both have n nodes and are sorted smallest to largest , will it be faster to find the largest value in a sorted linked list or a minimum-level BST ? Explain . Part D ( 3 marks ): What is the time complexity to delete the root of a minimum-level BST with n nodes ? Explain . Part E ( 3 marks ): An implementation of quicksort has its worst case of O ( n2 ) for an array in sorted order . Explain how this is possible / how this version of quicksort was implemented . Page 2 of 5 Question 2 ( 10 marks ) Complexity Analysis / Estimation : Assume that an array has n random values . What is the time complexity of the following method that makes every element in the array equal to the largest element in the original array . Note : you must show all of your work to receive full credit . public void makeLargest ( intintArray )