is legible . Accompanying notes must be included on a separate sheet of the document . Name this Word document ― CMS Project Part A – your last name followed by your first initial .‖ Example : CMS Project Part A – SmithJ . doc
The scope of the database includes all entities referenced above . The first goal of this phase of development is to support a timekeeping system that will replace the spreadsheet process illustrated above . Note that you will not actually create the timekeeping system . You are responsible only for designing the database that will be used by the system . Part B : Background After much deliberation , CMS has decided to broaden its operations by expanding into various parts of Europe and also Canada . It plans to recruit employees from Canada , Italy , France , and Ireland . Each of these countries offers different benefit packages . Presently , under the manual spreadsheet system , human resource personnel have to maintain only two types of benefit allotments . In the newly expanded company , this manual process will be unmanageable . The following table lists the different benefit packages in each country . Some characteristics are unique to each country while others are unique to a region . Region Country Holidays WeeklyHours VacationDaysAllowed North America US 11 40 10 North America Canada 12 40 15 Europe UK 10 38 10 Europe France 14 38 10 Europe Ireland 10 38 15 Europe Italy 9 38 20 In the same manner that employees must track the time they spend working on projects , they must also log the days they use as holidays and vacation . Below is a sample timesheet for recording benefit time