XYZ123 A1B2C3 Total o 87.50 66.25 215.10 368.85 Catch any FileIOException exceptions . When caught : Display a message that explains which file could not be opened and that a fines report will not be generated . 4 . Define a third ( main ) class named : TicketAnalysis Within the TicketAnalysis class : Define three static methods to : o Determine and return the lowest fine amount o Calculate and return the average fine amount o Determine and return the highest fine amount Each will have the fines array and count of fines in the array as parameters . Define a static method to display a ticket summary , using the previously defined static methods to calculate the low , high , and average fines . o Parameters : the fines array and count of fines in the array o Ticket summary will be displayed as shown in the sample output on the next page , with all figures will be right-aligned on the decimal point . © Regis University , All Rights Reserved Unauthorized distribution ( including uploading to any non-Regis Internet website ) violates copyright law Define a main method to : o o Display a description of what the program will do to the user . In a loop ( outer loop ): Create a new object of the TickeArraysImpl class . In a loop ( inner loop ): Read the filename for the input data file from the user . Using the object , call the instance method to read and store the data from the