means that the fine will be stored into the fines array using the same index as the ticket object in the ticket array . NOTE : For an example of a Java program implementing arrays , see Online Content section 15.10 . Required Classes and Methods Three separate classes will be required for this program . A class to define a SpeedingTicket object A class to implement the object array ( to hold SpeedingTicket objects ) A main class to run the program 1 . Create a new Java NetBeans project , named as follows : LastnameJavaAssn8 For example : SmithJavaAssn8 2 . Define a Java class with properties and methods for a speeding ticket object , named : SpeedingTicket The class will have the following private data properties : vehicle license plate number ( a 6-character String ) the speed limit the clocked speed Within the SpeedingTicket class : Define a constructor , with parameters for each data property . o Use the parameters to initialize the values . Define getters for each data property . 3 . Define a second class that will implement the ticket array for this program , named : TicketArrayImpl The class will have the following public data properties : A static constant array size ( maximum items that can be held in the array ) set to 200 The class will have the following private data properties : A ticket data array ( to hold SpeedingTicket objects ) A count of actual ticket objects stored Note : The data property definitions will only define the array reference