lawProgramRequirementsThis program will implement two different types of arrays . One array will hold ticket objects , and willrequire an implementation class . The other array will contain primitive data type double values , and willnot require an implementation class . NOTE : The ticket array and the fines array will be parallel arrays . This means that thefine will be stored into the fines array using the same index as the ticket object in theticketarray . NOTE : For an example of a Java program implementing arrays , see Online Content section 15.10 . Required Classes and MethodsThree separate classes will be required for this program .· Produce an output file , containing the vehicle license plate numbers and speeding fines .· Calculate the speeding ticket fines to assess , based on the ticket data , and store the fines into asecond array that holds double values . This array will be sized to the number of tickets issued .· Read the data from the file , line by line , and store the data into an array that holds ticket dataobjects . This array will hold a maximum of 200 ticket data objects .· ISCS210 Introduction to ProgrammingJava Programming Assignment 8 : Array ImplementationNOTE : This assignment will be more challenging than the previous assignments , so make sure tostart early and allocate enough time to complete it , including time you might need to seek anynecessaryhelp . Since this is the last program , the program may not be submitted more than 1 day late ! ProblemSummaryA local city would like you to write a program to help them analyze data on speeding tickets . City policehave collected information about the speeding violations . They store data about each ticket issued duringa one week period in a text data file . Data collected for each ticket includes the vehicle license platenumber , the speed limit , and the clocked speed . From past data , the police department knows that it willnot issue more than 200 tickets per week . You may assume all data in input data file is valid data ( i . e . formatted correctly ), but you must verify thatthe file exists ( i . e . can be opened ). If the file does not exist , the program will loop until you enter thefilename for a file that can be opened . Sample input data file lines : BBB222 50 60XYZ123 40 45A1B2C3 30 51The police department would like you to write a program to read the file , calculate the fines to assess , andgenerate several reports . The program will : Then