Your wheel landed on 5 Guess a letter : r 2 found . Total : $ 10 The message is N a _ _ _ n a l _ ar _ __ r ____ Do you want to spin ( 1 ), solve the puzzle ( 2 ), or buy a vowel ( 3 ): 1 Your wheel landed on 10 Guess a letter : t 1 found . Total : $ 20 The message is N a t _ _ n a l _ ar _ __ r ____ Do you want to spin ( 1 ), solve the puzzle ( 2 ), or buy a vowel ( 3 ): 2 Guess message : National Park Service You are correct ! Player 2 wins round 1 . Player 1 total : $ 0 Player 2 total : $ 20 Player 2 wins game ! ( 10 pts ) Extra Credit Error Handling Make it so that your program never errors on users input ! Handle the following errors : The user enters a message or letter outside of A-Z and a-z . The user enters an invalid menu choice . The user enters a vowel for a non-vowel guess . The user enters a non-vowel for a vowel guess . ( -10 pts ) Automatic Deduction : You are not allowed to use global variables in any assignment in CS 161 . There isn ‘ t any practical purpose for them in this course . Keep this in mind as you design your program with functions . ( 10 pts ) Program Style / Comments In your implementation , make sure that you include a program header in your program , in addition to proper indentation / spacing and other comments ! Below is an example header to include . Make sure you review the style guidelines for this class , and begin trying to follow them , i . e . don ‘ t align everything on the left or put everything on one line ! http :// classes . engr . oregonstate . edu / eecs / winter2017 / cs161-