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IntListElement ( int value , IntListElement e ) { data = value ; next = e ; } IntListElement next ; int data ; } class Main1 { public static void main ( String args ) { IntListElement e1 = new IntListElement ( 1776 , null ); e1 = new IntListElement ( 1984 , e1 ); e1 = new IntListElement ( 2001 , e1 ); e1 = new IntListElement ( 2013 , e1 ); System . out . println ( e1 . data ); // prints _______ System . out . println ( e1 . next . next . data ); // prints _______ } } 2 . ( 2 points ) Suppose the two println () calls in Main1 above were replaced by the line mystery ( e1 ); and the following method was added to the class Main1 , what would be printed ? static void mystery ( IntListElement list ) { if ( list != null ) { System . out . println ( list . data ); mystery ( list . next ); } } 3 . ( 0.5 pts ) To have some code execute each time a button is pressed you would put the code in the actionPerformed () method of a class that implements ActionListener , let ‘ s call it listener , and then A . Pass listener to a method of the button . B . Pass the button to a method of listener . C . Do both A and B .