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� Show and explain how you reached your conclusion . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITC 117Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
a . RESULT = PROJECT Location from Employees b . RESULT = SELECT from Employees where Location = 5 c . RESULT = PROJECT Floor _# from Department d . RESULT = JOIN Employees and Department where Employees . Location = Department . Floor _#
In this Hand-In Assignment , you will decipher the presented database instructions , and determine relation RESULT .
To prepare for this Assignment :
Review your Weekly Learning Resources with a focus on relational databases .
� Analyse the given database instructions .
� Analyse each of the relations within the given database instructions .
Reflect on the relation RESULT after executing all database instructions .
To complete this Assignment :
Submit a document with your interpretation of the posed problem and address the following :
� In terms of the relations shown in the given database instructions , identify the appearance of the relation RESULT after executing each of the instructions .

� Show and explain how you reached your conclusion . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITC 117Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT