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Final Project The final project for this course consists of two case studies related to cybersecurity and the use of social networking and home computer use . Please review the case studies and respond using the guidelines provided below . Case Study 1 : Securing your home computer You just purchased a brand new computer for your home environment . It comes with the latest operating system , Internet connectivity and all accessories to complete your home office and school activities . You also have an Internet Service Provider where you can easily use the existing network to connect to the Internet and to perform some online banking . Describe the steps you plan to go through to ensure this new computer system remains as secure as possible . Be sure to discuss the details of firewall settings you plan to implement , browser privacy and security settings , and recommended software ( e . g ., Anti-virus and others ) you will install . Also , describe your password strength policy you plan to adopt , and what you envision to do to ensure your online banking site is encrypted and uses the proper certificates . Discussion of operating system patches and application updates should also be included . As you discuss these steps , be sure to justify your decisions bringing in possible issues if these steps are not followed . You can discuss this for a specific type of computer ( e . g . MAC or PC ) to make the scenario more appropriate for your environment . Case Study 2 : Guidance for a family member using social networking sites . A family member , who just turned 13 , wants to join Facebook , create a