from the ranks of the laborers to chief engineer in just 6 years . 9 Taylor ’ s experience at Midvale gave him insight into the twin problems of productivity and worker motivation . He saw workers as deliberately restricting productivity by ― natural soldiering ‖ and ― systematic soldiering .‖ Natural soldiering came from the natural inclination of employees not to push themselves ; systematic soldiering came from workers not wanting to produce so much as to see their quotas raised or other workers thrown out of their jobs . 10 To correct these deficiencies , Taylor called for a ― complete mental revolution ‖ 11 on the part of both workers and managers , although it is certain that he faulted management more for its failure to design jobs properly and to give workers the proper economic incentives to overcome soldiering than he did workers for not producing . 12 Taylor ’ s scientific management is only loosely a theory of organization because its focus was largely on work at the bottom part of the organization rather than being a general model . Scientific management ’ s method was to find the most physically and timeefficient way to sequence tasks and then to use rigorous and extensive controls to enforce the standards . Taylor ’ s conversation with ― Schmidt ‖ illustrates this : Schmidt , you can keep making $ 1.15 a day like the rest of these workers or you can be a high price man and make $ 1.85 each and every day . Do you want to be a high price man ?‖ o ― Vell yes , I vant to be high price man .‖ ― Good . When this man tells you to load pig iron on the car , you walk , pick up the pig and load it exactly like he tells you . Rest when he tells you to and never give him any backtalk . That ’ s what a high price man does .‖ ― I vant to be a high price man and vill do what this man tells me .‖ 13 For Taylor , authority was based not on position in a hierarchy but rather on knowledge ; functional supervision meant that people were responsible for directing certain tasks , despite the fact that this meant the authority of the supervisor might cut across organizational lines . 14 The exception principle meant that routine matters should be