Secondary Education
Location of Secondary Schools in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by District
Location of Secondary Schools in St. Vincent by District Enlarged
Location of Secondary Schools in the Grenadines Enlarged
Table 82: Changes in Average Size, Student/Teacher Ratio, Number of
Teachers per Secondary School and Unit Expenditure
per Student, 2000/01 to 2020/21
Table 83: Student Leavers at Secondary School Level, 2009/10
to 2020/21
Table 84: Male Leavers at Secondary School Level, 2009/10 to 2020/21
Table 85: Female Leavers at Secondary School Level, 2009/10 to 2020/21
Table 86: Total Number of Dropouts at the Secondary School Level
by Form, 2009/10 to 2020/21
Table 87: Number of Male Dropouts at the Secondary by Form,
2009/10 to 2020/21