Public Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of Total Government Expenditure
Total public expenditure on education (current and capital) expressed as a percentage of total government expenditure in a given financial year. It shows a government's policy emphasis on education relative to the perceived value of other public investments. It reflects also the commitment of a government to invest in human capital development.
Percentage Distribution of Public Current Expenditure on Education by Level
Public current expenditure for each level of education, expressed as a percentage of total public current expenditure on education. The measure shows how financial resources for education have been distributed across the different levels or stages of education. It measures the relative emphasis of government spending on a particular level of education within the overall educational expenditure.
Public Current Expenditure per Pupil as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Production per Capita
Public current expenditure per pupil at each level of education, expressed as a percentage of GDP per capita in a given financial year. This is the share of per capita income spent on each pupil. It helps in assessing a country’s level of investment in human capital development. When calculated by level of education, it also indicates the relative costs and emphasis placed by the country on a particular level of education.
Educational Attainment of the Population Aged 15-24 Years and Above
The percentage distribution of population aged 15-24 years and above according to the highest level of education attained or completed with reference to ISCED. To show the educational composition of the population aged 15-24 years and above, hence the stock and quality of human capital within a country, so as to gauge needs and establish policies for upgrading it. This indicator also reflects the structure and performance of the education system and its accumulated impact on human capital formation.
Percentage Distribution of Enrolment in Secondary Education by Type of Education Program
Percentage distribution of students enrolled in secondary education, according to the orientation of the education program, i.e. general and vocational/technical education, including teacher training. To reflect the orientation and capacity of secondary education programs as well as the potential supply of skilled workers in different specializations.