Education Statistical Digest 2018-19 | Page 35

Educational attainment of the population aged 15-24 years and above

The percentage distribution of population aged 15-24 years and above according to the highest level of education attained or completed with reference to ISCED. To show the educational composition of the population aged 15-24 years and above, hence the stock and quality of human capital within a country, so as to gauge needs and establish policies for upgrading it. This indicator also reflects the structure and performance of the education system and its accumulated impact on human capital formation.

Percentage distribution of enrolment in secondary education by type of education program

Percentage distribution of students enrolled in secondary education, according to the orientation of the education program, i.e. general and vocational/technical education, including teacher training. To reflect the orientation and capacity of secondary education programs as well as the potential supply of skilled workers in different specializations.

Gross primary graduation ratio (GPGR)

Total number of graduates from the last grade of primary education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population at the theoretical graduation age for primary. It is an indication of the general level of primary education graduation. This proxy measure of primary completion reports the current primary outputs stemming from previous years of schooling and past education policies on entrance to primary education. It also indicates the capacity of the education system to provide primary graduation for the theoretical graduation age population.

Gender parity index (GPI)

The ratio of female to male values of a given indicator. The GPI measures progress towards gender parity in education participation and/or learning opportunities available for women in relation to those available to men. It also reflects the level of women’s empowerment in society.