Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 43
3. Policy goals and strategies
Intermediate Outcome 18: Performance management systems are in place and operational for all personnel and
educational institutions
Strategies: Emphasis will be placed on improving existing clinical supervision
and teacher appraisal forms, as well as on developing performance
management systems for school and Ministry leaders; all of which will
be utilized in decision making concerning professional development and
human resource management. Additionally, a performance review process
for education and training institutions will be standardized by level and type
of institution. School improvement plans linked to the ESP and performance
reviews will be implemented at all institutions.
❚ 100% of teachers, principals, and
institutions are appraised using
performance management systems,
to be developed
❚ 100% of institutions have school
improvement plans that are
informed by performance review
Intermediate Outcome 19: Strong accountability mechanisms are in place and functioning to effectively manage
resources and equity at all levels
Strategies: In addition to improving performance management systems,
policies will be developed and implemented to strengthen accountability.
and 80% of
These will focus on: (i) equity in education; (ii) record keeping and reporting;
institutions comply with existing
(iii) financial, material, and data management; and (iv) human resource issues
policies and those to be developed
such as succession planning, teacher training, and continuous professional
on equity, record keeping
development. Additionally, the requisite ICTs to support improved resource
and reporting, and resource
management and utilization will be procured and deployed. With regard
❚ Alignment between budget
to the management of financial resources, collaboration with the Ministry
objectives and education expenditure
of Finance on improved key performance indicators will help the MoE
is evident
better track the distribution and use of financial resources in relation to
❚ ICT platforms to support resource
budget objectives. Furthermore, a public expenditure tracking survey will
management are operational and
be pursued to identify possible wastage and a database will be established
to capture household and donor contributions to education, in addition to
government expenditure at the central and school levels. Training for MoE and school-level officials in using the
financial management database will also be provided. Lastly, expected reporting and documentation procedures for
the management of resources will be developed and communicated to Ministry and school staff.
Following on from the establishment of policy goals, intermediate outcomes, strategies, and key targets, Chapter 4
provides implementation arrangements for the strategy including detailed programme implementation matrices.