Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 16
A message from the Premier and Minister responsible for Education,
Nevis Island Administration
Every nation needs a strong Education Sector Plan (ESP). Such a plan
will help to mobilize necessary resources and actions needed to improve
education provision in line with the developmental imperatives of the
country. That is why we in St. Kitts and Nevis have made a significant effort
to put together this comprehensive Education Sector Plan for the next five
years – one that will prepare our people to thrive in the 21st century at
home and abroad.
We have conducted an evaluation of the status of our education system and
developed strategies based on what is working, what is not, and those areas
where there is the greatest need for improvement. We have also taken into
careful consideration the financing necessary to achieve our policy goals.
Moreover, the team of professionals who put this ESP together, led by
Dr Neva Pemberton, has made sure that sustainable procedures are in
place to monitor and evaluate progress with implementation of the plan.
A wide cross-section of stakeholders offered valuable contributions to the
development of the plan. The Ministry of Education sincerely appreciates
the partnerships that have been forged, and those yet to be developed, as
this plan necessitates strong collaboration among government and non-
government actors to safeguard effective implementation.
The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) fully supports this ESP and will
assist the Ministry of Education in attaining its vision for education: the
provision of holistic lifelong education for all that contributes to sustainable
development, builds civic responsibility, and fosters in individuals the ability
to succeed both locally and globally.
We are well aware that quality education and training is critical to the socio-
economic health of a country, and are therefore committed to improving
the education system to contribute to a more cohesive society and stronger
This ESP targets areas including, but not limited to, teacher training,
leadership and accountability, and equity in access and participation.
Additionally, it places significant focus on curriculum reform to ensure
students in basic education develop the foundation needed to support
lifelong learning. With these objectives in mind, the NIA feels certain that
effective implementation of the ESP will result in tremendous benefits for
our people, our society, and our economy in the not too distant future.
The Honourable Vance Amory
Premier and Minister responsible for Education
Nevis Island Administration