in the classroom
Scrap the textbooks
Why making maths fun is a nationwide priority .
By Christopher Hogbin
My kids were born mathematicians . My eldest developed an interest in fluid mechanics when he was three , studiously observing the ripples that spread every time he dropped a pebble in a puddle . Meanwhile , his younger brother set about testing geometric proofs by rolling toy cars down progressively steeper banisters .
But around the time they started school , their natural affinity for mathematics began to wane .
The most relevant subject in their lives became the most inapplicable . The most practical subject became the most abstract . The curious became boring . Instead of wonder , maths only filled them with insecurity and frustration .
They ’ re not alone . Australia-wide , mathematics is suffering from an epidemic of disengagement , and a whole generation of students are graduating with only limited numerical ability .
The consequences of this trend are beginning to show . According to the Engineers Make Things Happen Report , only 6.2 per cent of girls and 11.5 per cent of boys study advanced maths in Year 12 – disturbing figures in a nation that ’ s trying to shift to an innovative , technological economy . Australian kids are opting out of mathematical career paths before they ’ ve even left primary school .
Education itself is also feeling the effects . In each new crop of teachers , mathematics specialists make up a dwindling minority . The shortage has meant many maths classrooms are led by teachers who feel ill-equipped to handle the subject and therefore rely on ‘ handsoff ’ teaching practices that kill enthusiasm . So continues the cycle .
Earnestly , we ’ ve responded by packing even more into the curriculum , overloading primary schoolers with highstakes tests , and shaking our heads over NAPLAN results .
But as the numbers continue to decline , I think we can now confirm that we ’ re doing it wrong .
The answer is not adding more to the curriculum , focusing on learning facts , and having more higher-stakes testing . It ’ s the opposite .
In Finland , students aren ’ t introduced to rules and symbols before the age of seven . They spend their first years of primary school exploring maths through hands-on play – just as they would at home .
In Estonia , maths is integrated across subjects and throughout the learning environment . Schools have numbers painted on stairs and shared charts where children record the daily temperature or tallies of birds they ’ ve spotted in the playground .
Closer to home , Singapore has adopted a “ teach less , learn more ” policy , so students can build a deep understanding of maths at their own pace , instead of rushing through a packed curriculum .
These approaches succeed because they show students that maths is about more than just rules , memorisation and abstraction . Instead , it ’ s a living thing : rich , relevant , creative and maybe even fun . I ’ m convinced that we don ’ t need major institutional changes just to make maths fun instead of repellent . In truth , it ’ s something any teacher or parent can do whether they ’ re an expert in the subject or not . Here ’ s how :
GET KIDS TO SOLVE REAL-LIFE PROBLEMS Authentic problems put an end to the “ when will we ever use this ” complaints that turn so many kids off mathematics . Here ’ s what they all share :
• either not enough or too much information – students need to figure out what information they need to solve the problem
• a real , legitimate need to be solved
• many possible approaches ( and sometimes answers ). They ’ re simple to set but challenging to solve , and so much more engaging than the basic “ apples and oranges ” problems that clutter most worksheets . Ask kids to figure out how long it takes to fill a watering can , create a system to keep track of how much fruit they ’ re eating , or find three new mathematical symbols in the newspaper .
MAKE MATHS COLLABORATIVE Cut back on the solitary textbook work . Collaboration makes maths so much more engaging and it reflects the way maths is used in the ‘ real world ’ to connect problem solvers with different strengths . What ’ s more , it encourages discussions that promote deeper conceptual understanding and enhanced communication skills .
EMPHASISE PLAY AND DISCOVERY The most confident maths students approach the subject with curiosity . Nurture this in the early years by encouraging them to experiment with numbers and shapes . Guess then count the number of stairs at home , go on a quest to discover a new shape , keep a running tally of different cars spotted in the street …
Sound more like play than work ? Good – it ’ s about time . Because if we ’ re serious about building an innovative and entrepreneurial future , we have to get our kids excited about numbers sooner rather than later .
Scrap the textbook and have some fun instead . With both parents and teachers celebrating the magic of maths , our kids will be quick to follow . ■
Christopher Hogbin leads the global educational strategy of 3P Learning , in particular around Mathematics .
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