industry & reform
‘ Cheat-sheet ’
Monash releases free policywriting resource for schools .
A new resource promoted by Monash University has been released to make school-policy writing more manageable , especially in these challenging post-COVID times .
Titled Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy : Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders , the so-called “ cheat sheet ” for policy writing is free and available to schools around the world . The resource was written to help school staff who are often “ time-poor ” and “ sometimes under-resourced ”.
Monash University ’ s Dr Kelly-Ann Allen , an educational and developmental psychologist with the Faculty of Education , is the lead editor of the resource .
“ This book provides a novel and comprehensive compendium of policies that schools can adapt and tailor to their specific needs ,” Allen said .
“ It addresses a critical gap in school policy internationally and aims to build better schools by allowing schools to easily embed evidence-based practices . The book is a time-saving resource of readymade policy .”
The new policy-writing book covers a variety of critical topics for schools , including interventions for student wellbeing , excellence in Indigenous education , addressing alcohol and other drug use , as well as the use of therapy dogs and digital devices in schools .
The book has been lauded as “ a glowing example of research-to-practice ,” Allen says .
“ Each policy details salient and succinctly synthesised research on areas that are important to educational contexts .
Major sponsors who have helped to make this resource free to schools include The Homeless Project , Black Dog Institute , Communities that Care , Psychological Assessments Australia , the Australian Psychological Society ’ s Psychologists in Schools Interest Group , and the Global Belonging Collaborative . ■
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