Education Report 2020 8-17-2020 | Page 3

FUN and the OUTDOORS knowledge and teaching valuable skills. This is done though hands-on animal encounters, guided Zoo excursions, crafts, games and much more. Getting children outside the classroom and connected with nature is proven to increase their attention span, boost motivation, offer a creative outlet and improve social skills. Studies have also found that outdoor learning adds depth and meaning to students’ indoor learning activities. All of our programs meet the state and national standards for education. Our staff ensures that each and every program complements the curriculum taught in Brevard County Schools and offers meaningful learning experiences that go beyond the classroom. camps that we offer to local youth, we also offer programs that inspire lifelong learning. Our Zoo Teens and volunteer programs provide additional opportunities for people of all ages to become “students” and explore the Zoo as their “classroom.” With such a wide range of programs, participants can literally grow with us every year! Twenty-six years later, we have evolved into an organization that provides nationally-recognized programs to thousands of children each year and we remain diligent in our commitment to education. Keep reading to learn more about the impact Brevard Zoo’s education programs have on the community. In addition to the in-school programming, monthly classes, nature play and summer 2