Education News | Page 5

Life Speaker Noel Starblanket and (Left) Indigenization Lead Shauneen Pete Top Left: The day began with a Smudging Ceremony led by Life Speaker Noel Starblanket. Centre: Dean Jennifer Tupper co-lead of the planning committee for Day of Education. Bottom Left: Charlene Bearhead co-lead the planning committee. (L-R) Gary Edwards, All Nations Hope Network, was on hand to support survivors; Eugene Arcand worked with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on the Survivor Committee. Education News | Page 5 Top: Survivors came forward and be honoured. President Vianne Timmons prepared students for their Day of Education. Bottom Right: Ceremonial drumming and singing encouraged everyone to reconnect with themselves and their loved ones as they went on to learn about our shared history in the workshops and presentations.