Education News | Page 2

Keith Adolph, Teaching Preparation Centre Coordinator, is credited with the effective coordination of the volunteers who participated in registration, greeting, leading blanket exercises, assisting with groups of students, stuffing teacher bags, and much more. (Photo by Valerie Mulholland) TABLE OF CONTENTS F rom the D ean ' s D esk . ................................................................ 3 "W alking T ogether ": A D ay of E ducation for R econciliation ................. 4 I nterview W ith NCTR E ducation L ead C harlene B earhead .......... 6 P articipant F eedback ( email and T witter )................................ 7 W hat D oes R econciliation M ean to Y ou ?................................. 8 F aculty R esponses : M y R econcili ACTION includes ..................11 A lumna R eceives P rime M inister ’ s A ward for T eaching E xcellence in E arly C hildhood E ducation ........................... 12 C onvocation A wards ..................................................................14 C anadian A ssociation of T eacher E ducation A ward ........................... 15 W hat ' s N ew in A rts E ducation ?....................................................16 R enewed A rts E ducation P rogram .......................................16 L istening L ab (W ith K athryn R icketts ).................................17 H igh S chool S tudents T ake F irst Y ear E ducation C ourse . .................. 18 N ew D irector for le B ac . .......................................................... 19 N ew F aculty . .......................................................................... 20 N ew S taff . ............................................................................. 22 E lders - in -R esidence . .........................................................22 R etirements ............................................................... 22 S uccessful D efence .............................................23 R esearch F unding . ........................................23 P ublications . ....................................... 24 APPROXIMATELY 120 VOLUNTEERS MADE THE DAY OF EDUCATION FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION POSSIBLE. Read more about the event on pages 4 - 11. Page 2