Education News Summer 2012 | Page 19

Faculty of Education Education News Spring / Summer 2012 Page 19

Recent Publications

Hanson , C . ( 2012 ). Indigenous research methodologies [ Review of the book by Chilisa Bagele ] International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies , 5 ( 1 ), 93-95 .
Hanson , C . & McNeil , B . ( 2012 ). Faculty understanding and implementation of internationalization and global citizenship . Collected essays on learning and teaching ( CELT ), Volume V .
Hanson , C . ( June , 2012 ). Community-based participatory research with Prairie School for Union Women . Proceedings of the 53 rd Annual Adult Education Research Conference . Saratoga Springs , New York . Available online at http :// www . adulterc . org / Proceedings . htm
Kolenick , P . ( 2012 ). Global perspectives on Adult Education . In Ali A . Abdi and D . Kapoor ( Eds .) Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education . New York : PalgraveMacmillan .
Kolenick , P . ( 2012 , May ) Two worlds , four directions : A view of adult education , communities and the just learning society . Paper presented at at the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference at theUniversity of Waterloo .
LeDrew , J ., Ogenchuk , A ., Rumpel , M ., Jonassen , N ., & Decker , K . ( 2012 , June 12 th ). Use of a flash mob to engage 1 st year university students — A case study . 3 rd Innovations in Qualitative Research Conference in Saskatoon , SK .
Nolan , K . ( 2012 ). Dispositions in the field : Viewing mathematics teacher education through the lens of Bourdieu ’ s social field theory . Educational Studies in Mathematics . Special Issue : Mathematics Education and Contemporary Theory , 80 ( 1-2 ), 201-215 . doi : 10.1007 / s10649-011-9355-9
Tupper , J . A . ( 2012 ). Treaty education for ethically engaged citizenship : Settler identities , historical consciousness and the need for reconciliation . Citizenship , Teaching and Learning 7 ( 2 ), 143- 156 . doi : 10.1386 / ctl . 7.2.143 _ 1
Tupper , J . A . ( 2012 ). Review of “ Teaching about hegemony : Race , class and democracy in the 21 st century .” Democracy and Education , 21 ( 1 ).

Faculty of Education Recognized by Saskarie

Shelby Adams and Jack MacKenzie

On August 12th , 2012 , at a celebration honouring Saskairie ’ s 40 th Anniversary , the University of Regina ’ s Faculty of Education was recognized by Saskarie for its past and present contributions to the project . Shelby Adams attended the 40 th Anniversary and accepted the recognition award on behalf of the Faculty of Education . Adams is a graduate of the Faculty of Education ( Physical Education Major ) and was a student in the H . O . P . E . Association . She is currently teaching in Wawota .

Saskarie was a vision of Jack MacKenzie , and Don and Nora Stewart . It is a unique facility which “ has been used by groups ; many of them school groups . It has been in use year round allowing for a unique experience where people are able to live and learn outdoors . It provides a setting for anything to be done such as building quincees [ winter survival shelters ], learning about plants , studying marshes , and enjoying the outdoors in general .” 1
Faculty of Education students have enjoyed the use of this facility , even creating a club with the acronym H . O . P . E . ( Health , Outdoor , and
Kelly Running , ( 2012 , August 17 ). Forty years of Saskairie . The Observer . Retrieved from http :// www . carlyleobserver . com
Physical Education ). “ Having a residential outdoor education centre such as Saskairie is critically important given the reality that less and less of today ’ s children and youth are actively engaged in the out-of-doors . Saskairie provides our student teachers from the H . O . P . E . subject area an opportunity to experience teaching and learning beyond traditional classroom walls . The unique setting of Saskairie in the Moose Mountains as a curriculum site is a constant reminder that we all have a responsibility for the wise use of the out-of-doors and the prominent place the out-of-doors should play in all of our lives ,” says Dr . Nick Forsberg , professor in the H . O . P . E . program at the U of R .