New Associate Dean
With strong recommendations and support from faculty and staff , Dr . Jennifer Tupper has agreed to become our next Associate Dean of Faculty Development and Human Resources , effective July 1 , 2011 .
Photo Credit : Shuana Niessen
Her term will be for 3 years with the likelihood of a 2-year extension , subject to mutual agreement at that point .
Dr . Tupper has a strong commitment to teacher education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels . She is a fine teacher and respected scholar .
Jennifer achieved her Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta , 1994 ; Master ’ s of Arts in Education , from the University of British Columbia , 1998 ; and a PhD , Education , from the University of Alberta , 2005 . She taught high school social studies and English from 1994-1996 before pursuing graduate work in Vancouver .
While at UBC , she taught elementary and middle years social studies methods classes and worked as a research assistant for Dr . Ian Wright . She returned to Edmonton in 1998 and continued teaching summer school and night classes for Edmonton Catholic Schools while working as Director of Educational Programming for a local theatre company .
While Jennifer was studying for her PhD at the U of A , she was a Killam Scholar . She taught social studies methods courses to secondary teacher education students and worked as a research assistant on a SSHRC project with Drs . Terry Carson and Ingrid Johnston .
Dr . Tupper received a graduate student teaching award in 2002 , continued contract teaching with Edmonton Catholic Schools , and served as a Curriculum Consultant with Alberta Learning for the renewed social studies program of studies . In 2004 , she accepted a tenure track position at the U of R , working in secondary social studies .
With Michael Cappello , she received the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies Outstanding Publication Award for the
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