Education News Spring/Summer 2014 | Page 16

B e a d i n g B e t w e e n G e n e r at i o n s

The “ Beading Between Generations Exhibit ”
Dr . Cindy Hanson , U of R , and Elder , Mary Naytowhow from Sturgeon Lake
Larissa Dustyhorn , Beader from Kawacatoose First Nation

The Beading Between Generations Exhibit ran from June 17 to July 4 at the Mann Art Gallery in Prince Albert , SK . This exhibit emerged from knowledge generated among eight Saskatchewan beaders , ranging in age from 24 to 95 years old , and representing Cree , Métis , and Saulteaux backgrounds , who participated in the study , “ Intergenerational Learning in Indigenous Textile Communities of Practice .” This research is part of a larger inquiry involving Mapuche weavers in Chile . The project was funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ( SSHRC ) and led by University of Regina , Faculty of Education , Associate Professor , Dr . Cindy Hanson , with student , Dakota Fayant-McLeod .

The beaders who came together to laugh , learn , and create as part of this study are Patsy Naytowhow , Andrea McDonald , and Mary Smith , Montreal Lake Cree Nation ( who represent 3 generations of the same family ); Larissa Dustyhorn , Kawacatoose First Nation ; Bernice Hammersmith ( Daigneault ), Isle a la Crosse ; Debbie Thomas , ( Chitek Lake ) Pelican Lake First Nation ; Cecilia Mususkapoe , Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation ; and Irene Campbell , Patchuanak Dene Nation . Artists used both contemporary and traditional design motifs in their works .
Dr . Cindy Hanson , researcher and curator , invited those who attended the exhibit to think about how the pieces tell stories of tradition , love , healing , resilience , and sharing . She says , “ The pieces in this show demonstrate [ d ] appreciation for what happens when the mind , the heart , and the hands work together .” Regarding the value of this exhibit , Dr . Hanson says , “ As a community-based researcher , I see value in sharing the knowledge generated in a study with the community involved . When I asked the participants how they wanted to share the knowledge generated in the study , they decided that they would like to have an exhibition . This was the result of that decision .” The exhibition was well attended and exposed knowledge about intergenerational learning in beading to a wider audience — academic , community-based , collectors , artists , and the public . The women who participated were validated for their work and in several cases networks and requests for further work surfaced .
There are many beautiful photos of the exhibit to view at http :// www . panow . com / node / 457926
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