Education News Spring 2020 | Page 24


Armstrong , A ., & Gutica , M . ( 2020 ). Bootstrapping : The emergent technological practices of post-secondary students with mathematics learning disabilities . Exceptionality Education International , 30 ( 1 ), 1-24 . https :// ir . lib . uwo . ca / eei / vol30 / iss1 / 3
Ashton , E . A ., Wood Mah , K ., & Rivers , P . L . ( 2020 ) Spatialising the curriculum . Journal of Curriculum Studies , 52 ( 2 ), 177-194 , doi : 0.1080 / 00220272.2019.1657956
Barker , C . ( 2019 ). Psychoeducational assessments with Indigenous students in postsecondary settings : Moving forward in a good way . Psynopsis , le Magazine des Psychologues du Canada , 41 ( 3 ), 21-22 .
Bazzul , J . ( 2019 ). Hyperobjects , media , and assemblages of collective living : Playing with ontology as environmental education . Australian Journal of Environmental Education , 35 ( 3 ), 213-221 . https :// doi . org / 10.1017 / aee . 2019.20
Boutouchent , F . ( 2019 ). How social interactions relate to individual second language acquisition and maintenance : A case study of English Canadians learners . Proceedings from the Thinking , Doing , Learning : Usage Based Perspectives on Second Language Learning Conference , University of Jyväskylä , Finland , June 17 – 19 , 2019
Cranston , J . ( 2019 ). Improving the outcomes of the “ prediction problem ”: A framework approach to teacher hiring . American Journal of Educational Research , 7 ( 7 ), 455-462 . doi : 10.12691 / education-7-7-4
Hanson , C . ( 2020 , April 17 ). Opinion : Organizing in hard times serves the betterment of community . LeaderPost . https :// leaderpost . com / opinion / columnists / opinion-organizing-in-hard-times-serves-thebetterment-of-community /
Hanson , C . ( 2019 ). Canada ' s Indian Residential Schools , intersectionality and decolonizing adult education . In M . Endepohls-Ulpe & J . Ostrouch-Kamińska ( Eds .), Gender-Diversity-Intersectionality : ( New ) perspectives in adult education ( pp . 139-147 ). New York , NY : Waxmann .
Hart , P ., & Hart , C . ( 2019 ). Changing mindsets : Becoming planetary . The Journal of Environmental Education , 50 ( 4-6 ), 270-288 , doi : 10.1080 / 00958964.2019.1687410
Hart , P . ( 2020 ). Post-critical framing of methodological inquiry and childhoodnature . In A . Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles , K . Malone , & E . Barratt Hacking ( Eds .), Research handbook on childhoodnature assemblages of childhood and nature research ( pp . 225-240 ). Cham , CH : Springer .
Hunter , D ., & Clarke , P . ( 2020 ). Classroom assessment , court cases , and parental demands from a political systems perspective : It ' s black outside the box . Education & Law Journal , 28 ( 3 ), 313-360 .
Kirova , A ., Prochner , L ., & Massing , C . ( 2019 ). Learning to teach young children : Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice . New York , NY : Bloomsbury .
Kong , X ., Sin , X ., & Liu , X . ( 2020 ). ( Ed ). Mao Zedong ’ s traditional family virtues . China : Foreign Languages Press . ( Pirbhai- Illich , F . Foreign Language Ed ., [ English ed .])
LeBlanc , N ., Triggs , V ., & Irwin , R . ( 2019 ). Sub / versing mentoring expectations : Duration , discernment , diffraction . Journal of Social Theory in Art Education ( JSTAE ), 39 , 83-96 .
Manning , R ., Martin , J ., Reyhner , J ., Steeves , L ., & Macfarlane , A . ( 2020 ). Research regarding Indigenous student learning outcomes in New Zealand , Canada , and the USA : Recurring themes . In R . Papa ( Ed .), Handbook on promoting social justice in education ( pp . 2021-2039 ). Cham , CH : Springer .
McNeil , B . ( 2019 ). Review of Powerful Understanding : Helping Students Explore , Question , and Transform Their Thinking About Themselves and the World Around Them by Adrienne Gear . Canadian Review of Materials , 25 ( 24 ), 1 .
McNeil , B . ( 2019 ). Review of Asking Better Questions : Teaching and Learning for a Changing World ( 3rd ed .) Canadian Review of Materials , 25 ( 36 ), 1 .
McNeil , B . ( 2019 ). Review of The Origin of Day and Night . Canadian Review of Materials , 25 ( 18 ), 1 .
McNeil , B . ( 2019 ). Review of Canadian Curriculum Studies : A Métissage of Inspiration / Imagination / Interconnection . in education , 25 ( 2 ), 91-95 .
McNeil , B . ( 2020 ). Responding to cries of pain through literature : A mindful approach to preparing to teach children of war . In J . Kitchen & K . Ragoonaden ( Eds .), Mindful and relational approaches to social justice , equity , and diversity in teacher education ( pp . 131-152 ). New York , NY : Lexington Books .
Osmond-Johnson , P ., & Turner , T . ( 2020 ). Navigating the “ ethical space ” of truth and reconciliation : Non-Indigenous school principals in Saskatchewan . Curriculum Inquiry . https :// doi . org / 10.1080 / 03626784.2 020.1715205
Osmond-Johnson , P ., Campbell , C ., & Pollock , K . ( 2020 ). Moving forward in the COVID-19 era : Reflections for Canadian education . EdCan Network . https :// www . edcan . ca / articles / moving-forward-in-thecovid-19-era /
Pirbhai Illich , F ., & Martin , F . ( 2020 ). De / colonizing the education relationship : Working with invitation and hospitality . Critical Questions in Education , 11 ( 1 ), 73-91 .
Pirbhai-Illich , F . & Martin , F . ( 2020 ). Approach relationnelle de décolonisation de l ’ education : travailler avec les concepts d ’ invitation et d ’ hospitalité ( F . Boutouchent , Trans .). https :// intercontinentalcry . org / resurgence-asrelationality
Pirbhai-Illich , F . & Martin , F . ( 2020 ). Une approache relationnelle à la décolonisation de l ’ éducation : travailler avec les concepts d ’ espaces , de lieux et de frontiers ( F . Boutouchent , Trans .) ( Original work published 2019 .)
Rahman , A . A ., & Shiddike , M . O . ( 2020 ). Mixed methods in human resource development : Reviewing the research literature . International Journal of Business and Management , 15 ( 3 ), 25-36 . doi : 10.5539 / ijbm . v15n3p25
Shin , H ., & Sterzuk , A . ( 2019 ). Discourses , practices , and realities of multilingualism in higher education . TESL Canada Journal , 36 ( 1 ), 147-159 . https :// doi-org . libproxy . uregina . ca / 10.18806 / tesl . v36i1.1307
Spooner , M . ( 2019 , October ). Performancebased funding in higher education . CAUT Education Review .
Spooner , M . ( 2020 ). Critical pedagogy imperiled as neoliberalism , marketization , and audit culture become the academy . In S . R . Steinberg & B . Down ( Eds .), The SAGE handbook of critical pedagogies ( pp . 225-235 ). SAGE .
Sterzuk , A ., & Hengen , S . ( 2019 ). “ When I came to Canada like I heard lots of bad stuff about Aboriginal people ”: Disrupting settler colonial discourses through English language teaching . In M . E . López-Gopar ( Ed .), International perspectives on critical pedagogies in ELT ( pp . 19-37 ). Cham , CH : Palgrave Macmillan .
Triggs , V . ( 2020 ). The colour of secrets . In E . Lyle ( Ed .), Identity landscapes : Contemplating place and the construction of self ( pp . 103 – 113 ). NL : Brill | Sense
Young , G ., de Lugt , J ., Penney , S ., & Specht , J . ( 2019 ). Education international : Responding to change and promoting dialogue on inclusive education for all . Scholarly and Research Communication , 10 ( 2 ) http :// doi . org / 10.22230 / src . 2019v10n2a307
Zheng , H ., Pirbhai-Illich , F ., Martin , F ., & Wu , L . ( 2020 ). Internationalisation of higher education : A critical analysis of the intercultural dimension of a visiting scholar programme . The British Educational Research Journal . https :// doi . org / 10.1002 / berj . 3637KaK
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