Dr . Nick Forsberg celebrating with some B . Ed . graduates ( Physical Education majors ) at Spring Convocation 2015
In This Issue to share their time and insights is indicative of what this Faculty of Education is all about .
Yvonna Lincoln , the first presenter , gave a call to return to the important language of citizenship , social responsibility , and communitarian values . Marie Battiste reminded us that soul wounds are inflicted by cognitive imperialism that privileges only certain knowledge , research , and scholarship . Budd Hall called us to transgress more and to worry about transgressing less , particularly as we confront the dominance of Western ways of knowing in schools and elsewhere . Leigh Patel argued that schools of education must protect learning that challenges racism and colonialism . Maori scholar Linda Tuhiwai Smith talked with us about the urgency of research in the midst of historical denial of the harms done to Indigenous peoples around the world . Michelle Fine described how evidence is being used for punitive accountability and that the collusion around fear and silence needs to be broken . Indigenous scholar Eve Tuck argued for education that is not flattened through a process of only raising awareness and documenting damage . In his talk , Joel Westheimer called us to be attentive to our mission statement and what it might say about radical teaching , learning , and thinking . Sandy Grande , author of Red Pedagogy , compelled us to consider how we might take up Indigenous justice in our teaching , research , and scholarship , and Charlene Bearhead spoke about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ’ s calls to action , reminding us that how we respond to these calls will define us as Canadians .
As a community of educators , we are well positioned to tackle each one of these challenges head on , creating meaningful education and social change , and this is exemplified through the stories in this issue .
Dean ’ s Reflections ............................... 3 Student Awards Ceremony .................... 4 Convocation Awards ............................. 5 Award-Winning Dissertation : A Student Success Story ..................................... 6 Faculty Awards & Recognition .............. 8 Alumnus Success story ........................ 9 International Study Tour to Mexico ...... 10 Professional Development and Field Experiences ....................................... 12 Community-Based Research : Where the Magic Happens .................................. 14 Campus Events .................................. 16 Sciematics ‘ 15 ................................ 16 Graphicon 2015 .............................. 16 Pimosayta Narrative Performance and Book Launch ............................ 17 SBTA Case Competition .................... 17 Summer Research Symposium ......... 18 Research Funding .............................. 20 New Faculty and Staff ......................... 21 Published Works ................................ 22 Retirement ......................................... 20 Theory and Method Seminars ............. 24
Faculty of Education Education News Spring / Summer 2015 Page 3